Tuesday, January 4

Getting Started

I'm a Taurus, the bull -- as in bullheaded -- and I've always had a hard time getting started. I have a million plans for my life, career and health but getting started is the hard part. Anyone else have these types of issues? Once I get started though? Oh yeah baby I get started and I always finish. I could use a few suggestions on how to get started.

My point?

Well I plan on losing a lot of weight, once I get started my hard work will pay off, I know this but I have to get away from the excuses. Is it just me?

I haven't finished Cutthroat, which I had planned to finish by the end of November -- that is last year! Yet I'm still stuck. I have many other story ideas that I would like to get through to but again getting started is very hard because I don't like to start something when I am not finished with other things.

Well I just wanted to vent for now, I got started and I didn't shut up until I was finished, now what to start on now? The rest of my life...

Sunday, January 2

Happy New Year!!

It's now 2011 and that begs the question what did you do in 2010 that you can be proud of? Did you accomplish the goals you set out this time last year? I myself did not complete everything on my list but I did check off some of the stuff. Mostly writing stuff but still is that ever enough.

This years list isn't that long but it is quite important. Why? Because accomplishing goals is always important, this year among many is of course Arizona, one of the big question marks from last year.

Secondly lose weight, I've been putting on weight far too long, and it's time to get it in check. If I can quit smoking, I can definitely lose some pounds. To quit smoking has been the hardest thing I've ever done besides healing from a traumatic event in my past.

Third, which is another thing that has been on my list for many years is to break into and rock out the literary world. I work hard, and continue to improve at my craft, why shouldn't I have the opportunity to feel how the other half does?

This is my year which is what I said last year but like last year I really mean it this time. Oh and by the way Mercury is coming out of retrograde I believe which means this will improve! *Fingers Crossed*

Quote Up!

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the follo...