Saturday, May 14

8 Great Ways To Start The Day!

I found this wonderful article this morning which made me feel good. So maybe it will make you feel good too!

This is an Excerpt article. See full article here:

Having a great day can indeed be pre-planned and manifested by us! While we can’t control a lot of what happens in our world, what we can control is our own state of mind and how we respond to what’s happening in our life experience.

I’m most able to create a fantastic day when I start the day off by feeling good. By the time I walk out of my front door, I want to be just oozing joy, peace, optimism and a high vibration. I figure that if I can get myself into feeling those states at the start of my day, I can look forward to the law of attraction working the entire rest of the day to bring into my experience even more joy, peace and delicious goodness to me.

Whether we’re conscious of it or not, we create our life experience based on our ability to love, our thoughts and our emotions. So here are a few quick ways that we can exercise self-love combined with positive thoughts and emotions to start our days out fabulously!

Sleep State Programming - The night before – set your intention as you are drifting off to sleep that you will sleep peacefully.

You could say something like “I choose to have a restful, rejuvenating, peaceful nights sleep and wake up refreshed, energized and ready for a great new day. I ask my guides and Spirit of the highest vibration possible to assist me in making this so.” Say what feels right for you.

Breathe / Stretch Lightly – Upon awakening, do some deep breathing and stretching right there on the bed before you get up to get your juices flowing. As you’re breathing and stretching, you could think about what you’re grateful for at that moment or thank the Universe for your life and the new day.

Use Aromatherapy to Set the Mood – Upon awakening, light incense or essential oils to envibe your home with refreshing, rejuvenating scents.

Love Yourself - In the bathroom before you brush your teeth, develop a habit to first look in the mirror and smile at yourself and say something positive, affirming and loving to yourself. Examples could be “I love you”, “I accept you just as you are”, “you are perfect in every way”, “you are beautiful inside and out”.

Does the above sound silly to say to yourself? Well, as Spirit shared in a recent message: “... t may sound silly, forced, or even stupid in the beginning, but keep it up and you will create new pathways of thought in your brain. These pathways will begin to become habitual, feed you positive energy, and attract new and positive experience into your life every day.” <1>

Take an Invigorating Shower/Bath - As you take your shower or bath, you could engage the power of visualization to envision the water flowing over you as God-white light releasing all tension and stress and filling you up with love, acceptance and joy, all the while placing yourself in anticipation of the great day you’re going to have.

Move the Body / Basic Stretching – We all travel in our energy bodies at night while we sleep. Plus, during these shifting times, many of us are doing some serious heavy duty healing work at the same time. So often when we wake up, we might feel unexplained tightness, tension and soreness, almost as if our spirit body is having to again get used to inhabiting the tight confines of our physical body. By taking a walk outside in nature or doing some light stretching, we’re able to wake up the physical and release some of the energy we might have built up while sleeping, as well as incorporate more photon energy into our being which will help raise our spirits and outlook.

Journaling – Engage in journaling in the morning to recall the meaning of your dreams, release repeating thoughts that clog the mind and set goals for your day. It’s amazing how much lighter and more joyful we can feel after clearing the mind!

Ask Yourself for Guidance and Be Spontaneous
– Although connected as one, we are still diverse. Every day is different, and we each have our own way of finding joy. So don’t hesitate to go within and ask your own Sacred Heart what might best serve you on any particular morning.

Friday, May 13

Another Quote...

"I feel keeping a promise to yourself is a direct reflection of the love you have for yourself. I used to make promises to myself and find them easy to break. Today, I love myself enough to not only make a promise to myself, but I love myself enough to keep that promise"
~Steve Maraboli~


I'm not sure whether I'm disappointed in myself, or in the rest of the world, probably a little of both. I've received so many rejection letters, many of them just plain old form letters over the years. Of course when I first received them I'm upset, I try to play it off and move on because there isn't much more I can do. Then down the road I reread them and find that I'm pissed off at the agencies that don't even bother to explain why they have rejected me. Was my writing bad? Grammar (probably)? Am I not marketable as a writer? Who knows. So what do I do other than move on, keep writing with a massive chip on my shoulder. I'm just at a point right now where I'm ready to give up this writing dream because it only adds another layer of depression I never knew I had.

So be it...

Quote Up!

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the follo...