Friday, November 4

Nanowrimo Anyone?

Yes it is November again and that means it's Nanowrimo time, and I'm up for the challenge. Are you? Of course you are, but what if we can't get to the computer? Well pick up a pencil damn it. It is sad that a lot of people these days need a computer in order to write. If this is your craft, put a little effort into it. I can write anywhere, even in the car (of course not while driving.) But for the car, if I am driving I have a digital recorder that works out excellent. I record my thoughts and then write them down later when I'm at home. Easy! To my fellow Nanonovelist I wish you the best of luck, especially my Detroit folks, can't beat our home town because we got it like that. I love all the wonderfully creative folks out there. Again best of luck to you all.

Quote Up!

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the follo...