Wednesday, May 12

Weather Woes

The weather here in Michigan sucks! No really it's been raining for like a week straight, prolonging my gardening journey. I was excited about getting it started but I can't with all the rain. Ugh! Don't get me wrong I love the rain, love the sounds and smells it provides but it needs to go away now. I've had enough for a couple weeks at least. So other then that and the fact that my body aches daily nothing much is going on in my life. I'm getting closer to turning 33 years old, man I'm getting up there. I here I thought I could be 29 for at least a couple more years. I guess I was wrong. Oh well. I have to get over myself and realize that age is only a number. So here's to getting older.

I need to get some writing done now, so I'll be back. Write on!

Quote Up!

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the follo...