Sunday, April 25

I'm Ready

I'm so ready to plant my garden. Most people I've talked to about it said that I should have already planted, well I haven't started. Mainly because I don't have all my materials but also because of the weather here in Michigan. One day it is 80 degrees and sunny, quite breathtaking then the next day.... Well 40 degrees and raining with a chance of frost. I've researched the frost times and Michigan most certainly shouldn't have frost this week, so if you have planted weather sensitive veggies, plants or herbs you are just shit out of luck. The frost will kill them. So either way I'm still good as long as I have everything planted by May 12th, I can harvest weeks ahead of time. Yay me! I'm so stoked to get started. And I tell you what with mom and Julie I wouldn't be ready. They have been buying me little stuff to get me started, so many thanks to them they are my rock.

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I get the money in we'll go and get you the rest so you can start planting your garden. I know you've been waiting for it so long!


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