Tuesday, April 20

The Horns

The horns stand out,
but the quiet bull doesn't shout.
Her power is seen not heard.
Hard to motivate,
but they do get motivated,
and the consequences can be absurd.

Ornery, yet peaceful.
Calm, but powerful.
She doesn't like change.

Soulful tranquility leads,
to her sensuous inner core.
Strongly hedonistic and rebellious.
She fixates and collects,
the souls of the forgotten,
Sometimes finding everyday life a chore.

Stubborn, hates discomfort.
Strong, and fiercely protective.
She is loyal and loving.

No matter the lists of characteristics,
or what they represent;
figuring out what makes her tick,
can lead you down a lovely path,
but remember the horns stand out.

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