Sunday, April 25

We Have Fell Off the Wagon

Yep that's right we didn't mean to but like most dieters things just didn't work out. We last about 2 1/2 months before we blew it all to hell. However, -- you just knew there was a but coming didn't you? -- we are going back on our diet officially May 1st. I love being healthier, hell my body loved being healthier. I need to get my family back exercising again before we all weigh 400 pounds and end up on one of those fat people television shows. I think those show over dramatize things a bit, no one can eat more than 5 slices of pizza in one sitting. One guy on the biggest loser had six Big Mac's? No seriously who in the hell could eat more than one and who in the hell would actually want to? Even McDonald's healthier foods on the menu has more than a day's worth of calories. The only thing I enjoy at McDonald's since I've grown from an over active teenagers is the french fries and they have so many calories, if I eat them, it would be the only thing I can eat the entire day without going over whatever calorie limit I set for myself. So I've gone without them, and I'm happy to report I haven't died because of it, in fact I've probably added some years onto my life. McDonald's and almost all fast food is bad, horrible, calorie killing demonic food that should have never been invented. Unfortunately it's cheap and that why most people in America is fat.


  1. I really am looking forward to going back onto the healthy road. There's nothing better than feeling healthy and good about yourself.

  2. Yay us..We so need to get back on track... We can do this..


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Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the follo...